fido: big cleanup
authorSebastian <basti@notizbuch>
Sun, 15 Jun 2014 01:44:41 +0000 (03:44 +0200)
committerSebastian <basti@notizbuch>
Sun, 15 Jun 2014 01:44:41 +0000 (03:44 +0200) is replaced with Expect bugs.

The internal mail data structure has changed
and is documented in docs/ftn.txt now.

All Fido-specific helper functions from are gone.

The configuration entry "address" is renamed to "ftn_address",
and "in_charset" is gone. Always assuming CP437 seems reasonable.

docs/ftn.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
modules/ [deleted file]
modules/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/docs/ftn.txt b/docs/ftn.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..79307af
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+FTN Module Documentation
+$mail = {
+       'area'  => "MYAREA",                    # ECHOMAIL only
+       'fname' => "Alice",                     # UTF-8
+       'tname' => "Bob",                       # UTF-8
+       'subj'  => "Subject",                   # UTF-8
+       'body'  => "Body",                      # UTF-8
+       'from'  => "z:n/n.p",
+       'to'    => "z:n/n.p",                   # NETMAIL only
+       'date'  => [ year, month, day ],
+       'time'  => [ hour, minute, second],
+       'msgid' => "z:n/n.p XXXXXXXX",          # used for dupe-detection
+       'reply' => "z:n/n.p YYYYYYYY",          # link to previous mail
+       'path'  => "net/node ...",              # ECHOMAIL only
+       'seen'  => "net/node ...",              # ECHOMAIL only
+The 'area' key never exists for NETMAIL, and always exists for ECHOMAIL.
index 13d990bd6edd3dba64acbc97da9a3d92feb00144..f2833c7967dac48ff8088833a8e30cc6d8b6533c 100644 (file)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ our %config;
 # check mandatory keywords
        my @keywords = (
-               'address', 'in_charset', 'out_charset',
+               'ftn_address', 'out_charset',
                'dbase_driver', 'dbase_path', 'dbase_user', 'dbase_pass',
                'netmail', 'outbound', 'areafix',
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ our %config;
 # fix non-strings
-       $config{address} = MISC::text2fido($config{address});
+       $config{ftn_address} = MISC::text2fido($config{ftn_address});
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0a9c4df..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use v5.012;
-use CONFIG;
-use MISC;
-use Data::Dumper;
-# =========================================================================
-# Perl module to handle FTN style mail
-#  mails    are stored in the msgbase
-#  messages are stored in packet files
-#  read_message(): parse single message
-#    $mail = read_message($message)
-#    returns mail-hashref or undef on error
-#  write_message(): create message (TODO)
-#    $message = write_message($mail)
-#    takes mail-hashref
-#    returns message-hashref of undef on error
-#  read_packet_file(): parse *.PKT file
-#    $messages = read_packet_file($filename)
-#    returns arrayref of message-hashrefs or undef on error
-#  write_packet_file(): create *.PKT file (TODO)
-#    write_packet_file($filename, $messages)
-#    takes arrayref of message-hashrefs
-#    returns true on success, undef on error
-# =========================================================================
-package FIDOMAIL;
-use Encode;
-my $addrregex   = qr/^(|(\d+):)(\d+)\/(\d+)(|\.(\d+))(|\@([\w\.]+))$/;
-       # (zone, net, node, point, domain) = ($2, $3, $4, $6, $8)
-sub read_message($)
-       my ($message) = @_;
-       my (%mail, @seenby, @path, $charset);
-       # replace CRLF and CR with newlines
-       $message->{body} =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\n/g;
-       $message->{body} =~ s/\x0D/\n/g;
-       # filter out area
-       $mail{area} = $2 if($message->{body} =~ s/^(\x01|)AREA:(.+)(\n)//);
-       # parse buffer line by line
-       my $body = "";
-       my ($intl, $fmpt, $topt);
-       foreach(split(/^/, $message->{body})) {
-               chomp;
-               # PATH or SEEN-BY kludge
-               if(/^(\x01|)(PATH|SEEN-BY): (.*)$/) {
-                       my ($net, $node);
-                       my $key = $2;
-                       foreach(split(/ /, $3)) {
-                               if(/(\d+)\/(\d+)/) {
-                                       $net = $1; $node = $2;
-                               } else {
-                                       $node = $_;
-                               }
-                               if($key eq 'PATH') {
-                                       push(@{$mail{path}}, [$net, $node]);
-                               } elsif($key eq 'SEEN-BY') {
-                                       push(@{$mail{seen}}, [$net, $node]);
-                               } else {
-                                       die("Impossible keyword $key!");
-                               }
-                       }
-                       next;
-               }
-               # kludge lines
-               if(/^\x01(\S+) (.+)$/) {
-                       my ($kludge, $data) = ($1, $2);
-                       if($kludge =~ /MSGID:/) {
-                               $mail{msgid} = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /REPLY:/) {
-                               $mail{reply} = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /PID:/) {
-                               $mail{pid}   = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /TID:/) {
-                               $mail{tid}   = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /(CHRS:|CHARSET)/) {
-                               if($MISC::charsets{from}->{$data}) {
-                                       $charset =
-                                       $MISC::charsets{from}->{$data};
-                               } else {
-                                       say("Unknown CHRS '$data'!");
-                               }
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /CODEPAGE/) {
-                               if($MISC::charsets{from}->{"CP$data 2"}) {
-                                       $charset =
-                                       $MISC::charsets{from}->{"CP$data 2"};
-                               } else {
-                                       say("Unknown CODEPAGE '$data'");
-                               }
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /INTL/) {
-                               $intl = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /FMPT/) {
-                               $fmpt = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /TOPT/) {
-                               $topt = $data;
-                       } elsif($kludge =~ /TZUTC|Via/) {
-                               # FIXME: ignored
-                       } else {
-                               # FIXME: generic header
-                               say("Unknown kludge '$kludge' '$data'");
-                       }
-               next;
-               }
-               # not a kludge line
-               $body .= "$_\n";
-       }
-       # build mail
-       $mail{fname}  = $message->{fname};
-       $mail{tname}  = $message->{tname};
-       $mail{date}   = $message->{date};
-       $mail{time}   = $message->{time};
-       $mail{attr}   = $message->{attr};
-       $mail{packet} = $message->{packet};
-       # decode subject and body to utf-8
-       $charset = $CONFIG::config{in_charset} unless($charset);
-       $mail{subj} = decode($charset, $message->{subj});
-       $mail{body} = decode($charset, $body);
-       # find FROM and TO addresses
-       if(!$mail{area}) {
-       # --> NETMAIL
-               if($intl) {
-                       if($intl=~ /^(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) {
-                               if($fmpt) {
-                                       $mail{from} = [ $4, $5, $6, $fmpt ];
-                               } else {
-                                       $mail{from} = [ $4, $5, $6, 0 ];
-                               }
-                               if($topt) {
-                                       $mail{to} = [ $1, $2, $3, $topt ];
-                               } else {
-                                       $mail{to} = [ $1, $2, $3, 0 ];
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               say("Cannot parse INTL '$intl' (fname=$mail{fname})!");
-                       }
-               } elsif($mail{packet}) {
-                       say("Took FROM/TO from packet (fname=$mail{fname})!");
-                       $mail{from} = $mail{packet}->{from};
-                       $mail{to}   = $mail{packet}->{to};
-               } else {
-                       say("Don't know FROM/TO address (fname=$mail{fname})!");
-                       $mail{from} = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
-                       $mail{to}   = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
-               }
-       } else {
-       # --> ECHOMAIL
-               if($mail{msgid} && $mail{msgid} =~ /^(\S+) \S+$/ &&
-                       $1 =~ $addrregex) {
-               # --> use MSGID
-                       my @addr = ($2, $3, $4, $6, $8);
-                       $addr[0] = $CONFIG::config{address}[0]
-                               unless($addr[0]);
-                       $addr[3] = 0 unless($addr[3]);
-                       $mail{from} = [ @addr[0..3] ];
-               } elsif($body =~ /\n \* Origin: (.*) \((.+?)\)\n/m &&
-                       $2 =~ $addrregex){
-               # --> use Origin line
-                       my @addr = ($2, $3, $4, $6);
-                       $addr[0] = $CONFIG::config{address}[0]
-                               unless($addr[0]);
-                       $addr[3] = 0 unless($addr[3]);
-                       $mail{from} = [ @addr[0..3] ];
-               } else {
-               # --> use 0:0/0.0 as unknown address
-                       say("Don't know FROM address (fname=$mail{fname})!");
-                       $mail{from} = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
-               }
-       }
-       return(\%mail);
-sub write_message($)
-       my ($mail) = @_;
-       die("write_message not implemented");
-sub read_packet_file($)
-       my ($filename) = @_;
-       my ($buf, @messages);
-       if(!$filename) {
-               die("read_packet_file() called without filename!");
-               return(undef);
-       }
-       if(!open(PKT, '<', "$filename")) {
-               die("Can't open packet file $filename!");
-               return(undef);
-       }
-       binmode(PKT);
-       # read packet header
-       if(read(PKT, $buf, 0x3a) != 0x3a) {
-               die("Corrupted packet file $filename: Too short!");
-               close(PKT);
-               return(undef);
-       }
-       # parse packet header
-       my ($onode, $dnode, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second,
-               $baud, $type, $onet, $dnet, $prodL, $revMaj, $password,
-               $Qozone, $Qdzone, $auxnet, $cwcopy, $prodH, $revMin, $cw,
-               $ozone, $dzone, $opoint, $dpoint, $data) = unpack(
-       "v v v v v v v v v v v v C C Z8 v v v n C C v v v v v a4", $buf);
-       if($type != 2) {
-               die("Unsupported packet file type $type!");
-               close(PKT);
-               return(undef);
-       }
-       my %packet;
-       if(($cw == $cwcopy) && ($cw != 0) && ($cw & 0x0001)) {
-               # FSC-0048 packet type 2+
-               $onet = $auxnet if($onet == 0xFFFF && $opoint != 0);
-               $packet{from}     = [ $ozone, $onet, $onode, $opoint ];
-               $packet{to}       = [ $dzone, $dnet, $dnode, $dpoint ];
-               $packet{product}  = ($prodH << 16) | $prodL;
-               $packet{revision} = "$revMaj.$revMin";
-               $packet{type}     = "FSC-0048";
-       } else {
-               # FTS-0001 packet type 2
-               $packet{from}     = [ $Qozone, $onet, $onode, 0 ];
-               $packet{to}       = [ $Qdzone, $dnet, $dnode, 0 ];
-               $packet{product}  = $prodL;
-               $packet{revision} = "$revMaj";
-               $packet{type}     = "FTS-0001";
-       }
-       $packet{date} = [ $year, $month, $day ];
-       $packet{time} = [ $hour, $minute, $second ];
-       # read messages
-       while(1) {
-               # check message type
-               if(read(PKT, $buf, 2) != 2) {
-                       die("Corrupted packet file $filename: Too short!");
-                       close(PKT);
-                       return(undef);
-               }
-               my $type = unpack("v", $buf);
-               if($type == 0) {
-                       close(PKT);
-                       return(\@messages);
-               } elsif($type != 2) {
-                       die("Unsupported message type $type!");
-                       close(PKT);
-                       return(undef);
-               }
-               # read message (FTS-0001)
-               if(read(PKT, $buf, 0x20) != 0x20) {
-                       die("Corrupted packet file $filename: Too short!");
-                       close(PKT);
-                       return(undef);
-               }
-               # parse message
-               my %message;
-               my ($onode, $dnode, $onet, $dnet, $attr, $cost, $dt) = unpack(
-                       "v v v v v v Z20", $buf);
-               do {
-                       local $/ = "\0";
-                       $message{tname} = <PKT>; chop($message{tname});
-                       $message{fname} = <PKT>; chop($message{fname});
-                       $message{subj}  = <PKT>; chop($message{subj});
-                       $message{body}  = <PKT>; chop($message{body});
-               };
-               $message{from} = [ 0, $onet, $onode, 0 ];
-               $message{to}   = [ 0, $dnet, $dnode, 0 ];
-               # generate attribute word
-               $message{attr} = { };
-               if($attr & 4) {                         # 2^2
-                       $message{attr}->{state} = 1;            # received
-               } elsif($attr & 8) {                    # 2^3
-                       $message{attr}->{state} = 2;            # sent
-               } else {
-                       $message{attr}->{state} = 0;            # local
-               }
-               if($attr & 2) {                         # 2^1
-                       $message{attr}->{transfer} = 1;         # crash
-               } elsif($attr & 512) {                  # 2^9
-                       $message{attr}->{transfer} = 2;         # hold
-               } else {
-                       $message{attr}->{transfer} = 0;         # default
-               }
-               if($attr & 16) {                        # 2^4
-                       $message{attr}->{file} = 1;             # file attached
-               } elsif($attr & 2048) {                 # 2^11
-                       $message{attr}->{file} = 2;             # file request
-               } elsif($attr & 32768) {                # 2^15
-                       $message{attr}->{file} = 3;             # update req.
-               } else {
-                       $message{attr}->{file} = 0;             # nothing
-               }
-               my @dt = MISC::read_datestring($dt);
-               $message{date} = [ $dt[0], $dt[1], $dt[2] ];
-               $message{time} = [ $dt[3], $dt[4], $dt[5] ];
-               # save message
-               $message{packet} = \%packet;
-               push @messages, \%message;
-       }
-sub write_packet_file($$)
-       my ($filename, $messages) = @_;
-       die("write_packet_file not implemented");
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..551cee9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use v5.012;
+use CONFIG;
+# =========================================================================
+# Perl module to handle FTN style mail
+#  $string = pack_mail($mail)
+#    converts a mail to a packed message string (see FTS-0001, C.1)
+#    returns undef on error
+#  @mails  = unpack_packet($filename)
+#    reads a packet file (see FTS-0001, F.1) and returns an array of mails
+#    returns undef on error, dies on file error
+# =========================================================================
+package FTNMAIL;
+use Encode;
+use Text::Wrap;
+# helper functions
+sub chrs2charset($); sub charset2chrs($);      # charset
+sub str2datetime($); sub datetime2str(@);      # datetime string
+sub str2ftn($);      sub ftn2str(@);           # ftn address
+sub pack_mail($)
+       my $mail = shift;
+       my $output;
+       # encode subject/body correctly
+       my $charset = $CONFIG::config{out_charset};
+       my $chrs    = charset2chrs($charset) or return(undef);
+       my $subj    = encode($charset, $mail->{subj});
+       my $body    = encode($charset, $mail->{body});
+       $body       =~ s/\n/\x0D/g;
+       # generate kludge lines
+       my @kludges;
+       if($mail->{area}) {
+               # ECHOMAIL: AREA
+               push(@kludges, "AREA:$mail->{area}\x0D");
+       } else {
+               # NETMAIL: INTL, FMPT and TOPT
+               my @from = str2ftn($mail->{from}) or return(undef);
+               my @to   = str2ftn($mail->{to}) or return(undef);
+               push(@kludges, "\x01INTL: $to[0]:$to[1]/$to[2] ".
+                       "$from[0]:$from[1]/$from[2]\x0D");
+               push(@kludges, "\x01FMPT: $from[3]\x0D") if($from[3]);
+               push(@kludges, "\x01TOPT: $to[3]\x0D") if($to[3]);
+       }
+       push(@kludges, "\x01MSGID: $mail->{msgid}\x0D") if($mail->{msgid});
+       push(@kludges, "\x01REPLY: $mail->{reply}\x0D") if($mail->{reply});
+       push(@kludges, "\x01CHRS: $chrs\x0D");
+       push(@kludges, "\x01PID:\x0D");
+       $output = join("", @kludges) . $body;
+       # additional kludge lines
+       if($mail->{area}) {
+               # ECHOMAIL: SEEN-BY and PATH
+               local($Text::Wrap::columns)   = 69;
+               local($Text::Wrap::separator) = '|';
+               if($mail->{seen}) {
+                       my @seen = split(/\|/, wrap("", "", $mail->{seen}));
+                       $output .= "SEEN-BY: $_\x0D" foreach(@seen);
+               }
+               if($mail->{path}) {
+                       my @path = split(/\|/, wrap("", "", $mail->{path}));
+                       $output .= "PATH: $_\x0D" foreach(@path);
+               }
+       }
+       # ECHOMAIL: no destination - use origin instead
+       $mail->{to} = $mail->{from} if($mail->{area});
+       my $datetime = datetime2str(@{$mail->{date}}, @{$mail->{time}});
+       my @from = str2ftn($mail->{from});
+       my @to   = str2ftn($mail->{to});
+       my $pack = pack("v v v v v v v Z20 Z* Z* Z* Z*",
+               2,                              # Version
+               $from[2], $to[2],               # Orig/Dest Node
+               $from[1], $to[1],               # Orig/Dest Net
+               0,                              # Attribute
+               0,                              # Cost
+               $datetime,                      # Date/Time String
+               $mail->{tname}, $mail->{fname}, # From/To
+               $subj, $output                  # Subject/Body
+       );
+       return($pack);
+sub unpack_body($$$$)
+       my ($tname, $fname, $subj, $text) = @_;
+       my %mail;
+       # replace CRLF and CR with newlines
+       $text =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\n/g;
+       $text =~ s/\x0D/\n/g;
+       # save area
+       $mail{area} = $2 if($text =~ s/^(\x01|)AREA:(.+)\n//);
+       # now walk the text line by line
+       my ($intl, $fmpt, $topt, $charset);
+       my $path = ""; my $seen = ""; my $body = "";
+       foreach(split(/^/, $text)) {
+               chomp;
+               if(/^(\x01|)PATH: (.*)$/) {             # PATH
+                       $path .= "$2 "; next;
+               } elsif(/^(\x01|)SEEN-BY: (.*)$/) {     # SEEN-BY
+                       $seen .= "$2 "; next;
+               } elsif(/^\x01(\S+) (.+)$/) {           # kludge
+                       my ($kludge, $data) = ($1, $2);
+                       if($kludge =~ /MSGID:/) {
+                               $mail{msgid} = $data;
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /REPLY:/) {
+                               $mail{reply} = $data;
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /INTL/) {
+                               $intl = $data;
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /FMPT/) {
+                               $fmpt = $data;
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /TOPT/) {
+                               $topt = $data;
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /(CHRS:|CHARSET)/) {
+                               $charset = chrs2charset($data);
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /CODEPAGE/) {
+                               $charset = chrs2charset("CP$data 2");
+                       } elsif($kludge =~ /(PID|TID|TZUTC|Via)/) {
+                               # TODO: ignored
+                       } else {
+                               LOG::warn("Unknown kludge '$kludge' '$data'");
+                       }
+               } else {                                # normal body line
+                       $body .= "$_\n";
+               }
+       }
+       # decode all strings to utf-8
+       $charset = 'cp437' unless($charset);
+       $mail{fname} = decode($charset, $fname);
+       $mail{tname} = decode($charset, $tname);
+       $mail{subj}  = decode($charset, $subj);
+       $mail{body}  = decode($charset, $body);
+       # find FROM and TO addresses
+       if(!$mail{area}) {
+       # --> NETMAIL: use INTL/FMPT/TOPT
+               if($intl && $intl=~/^(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) {
+                       if($fmpt) {
+                               $mail{from} = "$4:$5/$6.$fmpt";
+                       } else {
+                               $mail{from} = "$4:$5/$6";
+                       }
+                       if($topt) {
+                               $mail{to} = "$1:$2/$3.$topt";
+                       } else {
+                               $mail{to} = "$1:$2/$3";
+                       }
+               } elsif($intl) {
+                       LOG::warn("Invalid INTL '$intl' (from $fname)!");
+               }
+       } else {
+       # --> ECHOMAIL: use MSGID, then Origin
+               if(!$mail{from} &&
+                  $mail{msgid} && $mail{msgid} =~ /^(\S+) \S+$/) {
+                               $mail{from} = ftn2str(str2ftn($1));
+               }
+               if(!$mail{from} &&
+                  $mail{body} =~ /\n \* Origin: (.*) \((.+?)\)\n/m) {
+                               $mail{from} = ftn2str(str2ftn($2));
+               }
+               if(!$mail{from}) {
+                       LOG::warn("Unknown FROM (fname=$fname)!");
+               }
+       }
+       return(%mail);
+sub unpack_packet($)
+       my $file = shift;
+       my $buf, my @mails;
+       die("No filename!") unless($file);
+       open(PKT, '<', $file) or die("Can't open $file!\n");
+       binmode(PKT);
+       die("Short packet!") if(read(PKT, $buf, 0x3a) != 0x3a);
+       # parse packet header
+       my ($onode, $dnode, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second,
+               $baud, $type, $onet, $dnet, $prodL, $revMaj, $password,
+               $Qozone, $Qdzone, $auxnet, $cwcopy, $prodH, $revMin, $cw,
+               $ozone, $dzone, $opoint, $dpoint, $data) = unpack(
+       "v v v v v v v v v v v v C C Z8 v v v n C C v v v v v a4", $buf);
+       die("Unsupported packet type $type!") unless($type == 2);
+       my %packet;
+       if(($cw == $cwcopy) && ($cw != 0) && ($cw & 0x0001)) {
+               # FSC-0048 packet type 2+
+               $onet = $auxnet if($onet == 0xFFFF && $opoint != 0);
+               $packet{from}     = [ $ozone, $onet, $onode, $opoint ];
+               $packet{to}       = [ $dzone, $dnet, $dnode, $dpoint ];
+               $packet{product}  = ($prodH << 16) | $prodL;
+               $packet{revision} = "$revMaj.$revMin";
+               $packet{type}     = "FSC-0048";
+       } else {
+               # FTS-0001 packet type 2
+               $packet{from}     = [ $Qozone, $onet, $onode, 0 ];
+               $packet{to}       = [ $Qdzone, $dnet, $dnode, 0 ];
+               $packet{product}  = $prodL;
+               $packet{revision} = "$revMaj";
+               $packet{type}     = "FTS-0001";
+       }
+       $packet{date} = [ $year, $month, $day ];
+       $packet{time} = [ $hour, $minute, $second ];
+       # read packed messages
+       while(1) {
+               die("Short packet!") if(read(PKT, $buf, 2) != 2);
+               my $type = unpack("v", $buf);
+               if($type == 0) {
+                       close(PKT);
+                       return(@mails);
+               } elsif($type != 2) {
+                       die("Unsupported message type $type!");
+               }
+               die("Short packet!") if(read(PKT, $buf, 0x20) != 0x20);
+               # parse message header
+               my ($tname, $fname, $subj, $text);
+               my ($onode, $dnode, $onet, $dnet, $attr, $cost, $dt) = unpack(
+                   "v v v v v v Z20", $buf);
+               do {
+                       local $/ = "\0";
+                       $tname = <PKT>; chop($tname);
+                       $fname = <PKT>; chop($fname);
+                       $subj  = <PKT>; chop($subj);
+                       $text  = <PKT>; chop($text);
+               };
+               # parse message body
+               my %mail = unpack_body($tname, $fname, $subj, $text);
+               # add time and date
+               my @dt = str2datetime($dt);
+               $mail{date} = [ $dt[0], $dt[1], $dt[2] ];
+               $mail{time} = [ $dt[3], $dt[4], $dt[5] ];
+               # NETMAIL: add 3D from/to from headers if missing (fallback)
+               if(!$mail{area}) {
+                       if(!$mail{from}) {
+                               LOG::warn("Took FROM from packet ".
+                                       "(fname = $fname)");
+                               $mail{from}="$packet{from}->[0]:$onet/$onode";
+                       }
+                       if(!$mail{to}) {
+                               LOG::warn("Took TO from packet ".
+                                       "(fname = $fname)");
+                               $mail{to}="$packet{to}->[0]:$dnet/$dnode";
+                       }
+               }
+               push @mails, \%mail;
+       }
+# === Date / Time conversion ==============================================
+my %months = ("Jan" => 1, "Feb" => 2,  "Mar" => 3,  "Apr" => 4,
+              "May" => 5, "Jun" => 6,  "Jul" => 7,  "Aug" => 8,
+              "Sep" => 9, "Oct" => 10, "Nov" => 11, "Dec" => 12);
+my @months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+              "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
+sub str2datetime($)
+       my $str = shift;
+       my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
+       if($str =~ /(\s\d|\d\d) (\w{3}) (\d{2})  (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
+               # Fido format: "21 Feb 14  02:30:31"
+               ($year, $month, $day)     = ($3, $months{$2}, $1);
+               ($hour, $minute, $second) = ($4, $5, $6);
+       } elsif($str =~ /(\w{3}) (\s\d|\d\d) (\w{3}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
+               # SEAdog format: "Mon  1 Jan 86 02:34"
+               ($year, $month, $day)     = ($4, $months{$3}, $2);
+               ($hour, $minute, $second) = ($5, $6, 0);
+       } else {
+               LOG::warn("Unknown date format '$str'!");
+               return(undef);
+       }
+       if($year < 80) {
+               $year += 2000;          # 21st century
+       } elsif($year < 200) {
+               $year += 1900;          # 20st century or non-y2k 21st century
+       }
+       return(int($year), int($month), int($day),
+              int($hour), int($minute), int($second));
+sub datetime2str(@)
+       my @date = @_;
+       return(sprintf("%02d %s %02d  %02d:%02d:%02d",
+               $date[2], $months[$date[1]-1], $date[0] % 100,
+               $date[3], $date[4], $date[5]));
+# === FTN address conversion ==============================================
+sub str2ftn($)
+       my $str = shift;
+       if($str =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)(|@([\.\w]+))$/) {
+               if($4) {
+                       return($1, $2, $3, $4);
+               } else {
+                       return($1, $2, $3);
+               }
+       } elsif($str =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)(|@([\.\w]+))$/) {
+               return($1, $2, $3);
+       }
+       LOG::warn("Invalid FTN string '$str'!");
+       return(undef);
+sub ftn2str(@)
+       my @fido = @_;
+       if(defined $fido[0] && defined $fido[1] && defined $fido[2]) {
+               if($fido[3]) {
+                       return("$fido[0]:$fido[1]/$fido[2].$fido[3]");
+               } else {
+                       return("$fido[0]:$fido[1]/$fido[2]");
+               }
+       } elsif($fido[0]) {
+               LOG::warn("Invalid FTN address: " . join(":", @fido) . "!");
+               return(undef);
+       }
+       return(undef);
+# === Charset conversion ==================================================
+my %charsets = (
+       'from' => {
+               # obsolete level 1 (ascii replacement)
+               'ASCII 1'    => 'ascii', 'DUTCH 1'   => 'ascii',
+               'FINNISH 1'  => 'ascii', 'FRENCH 1'  => 'ascii',
+               'CANADIAN 1' => 'ascii', 'GERMAN 1'  => 'ascii',
+               'ITALIAN 1'  => 'ascii', 'NORWEIG 1' => 'ascii',
+               'PORTU 1'    => 'ascii', 'SPANISH 1' => 'ascii',
+               'SWEDISH 1'  => 'ascii', 'SWISS 1'   => 'ascii',
+               'UK 1'       => 'ascii', 'ISO-10 1'  => 'ascii',
+               # level 2 (codepage)
+               'CP437 2'   => 'cp437',      'IBMPC 2'   => 'cp437',
+               'IBMPC'     => 'cp437',      'CP848 2'   => 'cp848',
+               'CP850 2'   => 'cp850',      'CP852 2'   => 'cp852',
+               'CP866 2'   => 'cp866',      '+7_FIDO 2' => 'cp866',
+               'CP1250 2'  => 'cp1250',     'CP1251 2'  => 'cp1251',
+               'CP1252 2'  => 'cp1252',     'CP10000 2' => 'MacRoman',
+               'LATIN-1 2' => 'iso-8859-1', 'LATIN-2 2' => 'iso-8859-2',
+               'LATIN-5 2' => 'iso-8859-9', 'LATIN-9 2' => 'iso-8859-15',
+               # level 4 (utf-8)
+               'UTF-8 2' => 'utf-8', 'UTF-8 4' => 'utf-8',
+       },
+       'to' => {
+               # if not listed here, inverse 'from' mappings
+               'cp437' => 'CP437 2', 'cp866' => 'CP866 2',
+               'utf-8' => 'UTF-8 4', 'ascii' => 'ASCII 1',
+       },
+sub chrs2charset($)
+       my ($c) = @_;
+       return($charsets{from}->{$c}) if($charsets{from}->{$c});
+       LOG::warn("Unknown CHRS '$c'!");
+       return(undef);
+sub charset2chrs($)
+       my ($c) = @_;
+       return($charsets{to}->{$c}) if($charsets{to}->{$c});
+       foreach(keys %{$charsets{from}}) {
+               return($_) if($charsets{from}->{$_} eq $c);
+       }
+       LOG::warn("Unknown CHARSET '$c'!");
+       return(undef);
+package LOG;
+sub info { say "INFO: $_[0]"; }
+sub warn { say "WARN: $_[0]"; }
index a6e7e4f2ffec58ce36c86c477100552ce5b8c6b7..d96003a33135412b9547f55501fb78c5f64ea6bc 100644 (file)
@@ -4,18 +4,6 @@ use v5.012;
 # =========================================================================
 # miscellanous helper functions
-#  %charsets: map ftn CHRS names to common charset names and back
-#  read_datestring(): turn a date/time string into list
-#      (y,m,d,h,m,s) = read_datestring($string)
-#  write_datestring(): turn a list into a date/time string
-#      $str = write_datestring(y,m,d,h,m,s)
-#  format converters (die on error)
-#    fido2text(): convert [ zone,net,node,point ] to "zone:net/node.point"
-#    text2fido(): convert "zone:net/node.point" to [ zone,net,node,point ]
-#    netnodelist2text(): convert [ [net,node], ... ] to "net/node,..."
-#    text2netnodelist(): convert "net/node,..." to [ [net,node], ... ]
 #    date2text(): convert [ year,month,day ] to "yyyy-mm-dd"
 #    text2date(): convert "yyyy-mm-dd" to [ year,month,day ]
@@ -25,150 +13,6 @@ use v5.012;
 package MISC;
-# see FTS-5003
-our %charsets = (
-       'from' => {
-               # obsolete ascii replacement maps (treated as ascii)
-               'ASCII 1'       => 'ascii',
-               'DUTCH 1'       => 'ascii',
-               'FINNISH 1'     => 'ascii',
-               'FRENCH 1'      => 'ascii',
-               'CANADIAN 1'    => 'ascii',
-               'GERMAN 1'      => 'ascii',
-               'ITALIAN 1'     => 'ascii',
-               'NORWEIG 1'     => 'ascii',
-               'PORTU 1'       => 'ascii',
-               'SPANISH 1'     => 'ascii',
-               'SWEDISH 1'     => 'ascii',
-               'SWISS 1'       => 'ascii',
-               'UK 1'          => 'ascii',
-               'ISO-10 1'      => 'ascii',
-               # codepage mappings
-               'CP437 2'       => 'cp437',
-               'IBMPC 2'       => 'cp437',
-               'IBMPC'         => 'cp437',
-               'CP848 2'       => 'cp848',
-               'CP850 2'       => 'cp850',
-               'CP852 2'       => 'cp852',
-               'CP866 2'       => 'cp866',
-               '+7_FIDO 2'     => 'cp866',
-               'CP1250 2'      => 'cp1250',
-               'CP1251 2'      => 'cp1251',
-               'CP1252 2'      => 'cp1252',
-               'CP10000 2'     => 'MacRoman',
-               'LATIN-1 2'     => 'iso-8859-1',
-               'LATIN-2 2'     => 'iso-8859-2',
-               'LATIN-5 2'     => 'iso-8859-9',
-               'LATIN-9 2'     => 'iso-8859-15',
-               # utf-8
-               'UTF-8 2'       => 'utf-8',
-               'UTF-8 4'       => 'utf-8',
-       },
-       'to' => {
-               # if not listed here, use inverse 'from' mappings
-               'cp437'         => 'CP437 2',
-               'cp866'         => 'CP866 2',
-               'utf-8'         => 'UTF-8 4',
-       },
-sub read_datestring($)
-       my %months = (
-               "Jan" => 1, "Feb" => 2, "Mar" => 3, "Apr" => 4,
-               "May" => 5, "Jun" => 6, "Jul" => 7, "Aug" => 8,
-               "Sep" => 9, "Oct" => 10, "Nov" => 11, "Dec" => 12,
-       );
-       $_ = shift;
-       my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
-       if(/(\w{3}) (\s\d|\d\d) (\w{3}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
-               # SEAdog format: "Mon  1 Jan 86 02:34"
-               ($year, $month, $day)     = ($4, $months{$3}, $2);
-               ($hour, $minute, $second) = ($5, $6, 0);
-       } elsif(/(\s\d|\d\d) (\w{3}) (\d{2})  (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
-               # format: "21 Feb 14  02:30:31"
-               ($year, $month, $day)     = ($3, $months{$2}, $1);
-               ($hour, $minute, $second) = ($4, $5, $6);
-       } else {
-               say("Unknown date format '$_'");
-               return(undef);
-       }
-       if($year < 80) {
-               $year += 2000;  # 21st century
-       } elsif($year < 200) {
-               $year += 1900;  # 20th century (or non-y2k 21st century)
-       }
-       # convert variables to integers and return
-       ($year, $month, $day) = (int($year), int($month), int($day));
-       ($hour, $minute, $second) = (int($hour), int($minute), int($second));
-       return($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second);
-sub write_datestring(@)
-       my @months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
-                       "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
-       my @date = @_;
-       return(sprintf("%02d %s %02d  %02d:%02d:%02d",
-               $date[2], $months[$date[1]-1], $date[0] % 100,
-               $date[3], $date[4], $date[5])
-       );
-sub fido2text($)
-       return(undef) if(!defined $_[0]);
-       my @fido = @{$_[0]};
-       die("Invalid FTN address!")
-               unless(defined $fido[0] && defined $fido[1] &&
-               defined $fido[2]);
-       if($fido[3] && $fido[3] != 0) {
-               return("$fido[0]:$fido[1]/$fido[2].$fido[3]");
-       } else {
-               return("$fido[0]:$fido[1]/$fido[2]");
-       }
-sub text2fido($)
-       return(undef) if(!defined $_[0]);
-       my $text = shift;
-       if($text =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
-               if($4 != 0) {
-                       return([$1, $2, $3, $4]);
-               } else {
-                       return([$1, $2, $3]);
-               }
-       } elsif($text =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)/) {
-               return([$1, $2, $3]);
-       } else {
-               die("Invalid FTN address '$text'!");
-       }
-sub netnodelist2text($)
-       return(undef) if(!defined $_[0]);
-       my @nnl = @{$_[0]};
-       return(join(",", map { "$_->[0]/$_->[1]" } @nnl));
-sub text2netnodelist($)
-       my @result;
-       push(@result, [split(/\//, $_)]) foreach(split(/,/, $_[0]));
-       return(\@result);
 sub date2text($)
        my @date = @{$_[0]};