--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use v5.010;
+use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $infile = shift;
+my $outfile = shift;
+my $data;
+# supported chips
+my $chips = {
+ 'E16G301' => {
+ 'cores' => [4, 4],
+ 'sram' => '0x8000',
+ },
+ 'E64G401' => {
+ 'cores' => [8, 8],
+ 'sram' => '0x8000',
+ },
+# parse arguments
+if(!$infile || !$outfile) {
+ say "Usage: hdf2arch <infile> <outfile>";
+ say "\tinfile: Epiphany HDF file";
+ say "\toutfile: DOL XML file";
+ say "\tSpecify '-' to use standard input/output";
+ exit 1;
+# parse HDF file
+my $num_chips; # number of chips in system
+my @chiplist; # information about current chip
+my $chipnum = -1; # current chip
+my $num_emems; # number of emems in system
+my @ememlist; # information about current emem
+my $ememnum = -1; # current emem
+open (FH, "<$infile") or die("Can't open $infile.");
+while(<FH>) {
+ next if /\/\/.*/; # skip comment lines
+ # globals - ignore them for now
+ #$data->{'version'} = $1 if(/^PLATFORM_VERSION\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ #$data->{'regbase'} = $1 if(/^ESYS_REGS_BASE\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ # number of chips
+ if(/^NUM_CHIPS\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ if(!$num_chips) {
+ $num_chips = $1;
+ } else {
+ say STDERR "Warning: multiple 'NUM_CHIPS' entries!";
+ }
+ }
+ # per-chip information
+ if(/^CHIP\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ my $id = $1;
+ if($chips->{$id}) {
+ $chipnum++;
+ $chiplist[$chipnum]->{'id'} = $id;
+ $chiplist[$chipnum]->{'rows'} =
+ $chips->{$id}->{'cores'}->[0];
+ $chiplist[$chipnum]->{'cols'} =
+ $chips->{$id}->{'cores'}->[1];
+ $chiplist[$chipnum]->{'sram'} = $chips->{$id}->{'sram'};
+ } else {
+ say STDERR "Warning: unknown CHIP '$id' - ignoring!";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $chiplist[$chipnum]->{'row'} = $1 if(/^CHIP_ROW\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ $chiplist[$chipnum]->{'col'} = $1 if(/^CHIP_COL\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ # number of emems
+ if(/^NUM_EXT_MEMS\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ if(!$num_emems) {
+ $num_emems = $1;
+ } else {
+ say STDERR "Warning: multiple 'NUM_EXT_EMEM' entries!";
+ }
+ }
+ # per-emem information
+ if(/^EMEM\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ my $id = $1;
+ if($id eq 'ext-DRAM') {
+ $ememnum++;
+ $ememlist[$ememnum]->{'id'} = $id;
+ } else {
+ say STDERR "Warning: unknown EMEM '$id' - ignoring!";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $ememlist[$ememnum]->{'base'} = $1 if(/^EMEM_BASE_ADDRESS\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ $ememlist[$ememnum]->{'epi'} = $1 if(/^EMEM_EPI_BASE\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ $ememlist[$ememnum]->{'size'} = $1 if(/^EMEM_SIZE\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+ $ememlist[$ememnum]->{'type'} = $1 if(/^EMEM_TYPE\s+(\S+)\s*$/);
+# some simple consistency checks
+if($num_chips != scalar @chiplist) {
+ say STDERR "Warning: NUM_CHIPS does not match the number of CHIPs!";
+if($num_emems != scalar @ememlist) {
+ say STDERR "Warning: NUM_EXT_MEMS does not match the number of EMEMs!";
+# generate output data
+$data->{'processor'} = [];
+$data->{'memory'} = [];
+# host processor, epiphany cores and their memories
+push $data->{'processor'}, {
+ 'name' => 'arm_0',
+ 'type' => 'RISC',
+ 'configuration' => [
+ { 'name' => 'cores',
+ 'value' => '2' },
+ ],
+for my $chip(@chiplist) {
+ for my $row (0..$chip->{'rows'}-1) {
+ for my $col (0..$chip->{'cols'}-1) {
+ my $r = $chip->{'row'} + $row;
+ my $c = $chip->{'col'} + $col;
+ push $data->{'processor'}, {
+ 'name' => "core_${r}_${c}",
+ 'type' => 'RISC',
+ 'configuration' => [
+ { 'name' => 'type',
+ 'value' => $chip->{'id'}, },
+ ],
+ };
+ push $data->{'memory'}, {
+ 'name' => "mem_${r}_${c}",
+ 'type' => 'RAM',
+ 'configuration' => [
+ { 'name' => 'size',
+ 'value' => $chip->{'sram'}, },
+ ],
+ };
+ }
+ }
+# external memories
+for my $idx(0..(scalar @ememlist-1)) {
+ push $data->{'memory'}, {
+ 'name' => "shm_$idx",
+ 'type' => "RAM",
+ 'configuration' => [
+ { 'name' => 'size',
+ 'value' => $ememlist[$idx]->{'size'} },
+ { 'name' => 'type',
+ 'value' => $ememlist[$idx]->{'type'} },
+ { 'name' => 'base',
+ 'value' => $ememlist[$idx]->{'base'} },
+ { 'name' => 'epibase',
+ 'value' => $ememlist[$idx]->{'epi'} },
+ ],
+ };
+#say Dumper $data;
+# write data in xml format
+$data->{'name'} = 'Adapteva Parallella Architecture';
+$data->{'xmlns'} = 'http://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/~shapes/schema/ARCHITECTURE';
+$data->{'xmlns:xsi'} = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance';
+$data->{'xsi:schemaLocation'} = 'http://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/~shapes/schema/ARCHITECTURE http://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/~shapes/schema/architecture.xsd';
+my $outxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".
+ XMLout({'architecture' => $data},
+ KeyAttr => [],
+ KeepRoot => 1);
+if($outfile eq '-') {
+ say $outxml;
+ exit 0;
+} else {
+ open (FH, ">$outfile");
+ say FH $outxml;
+ close (FH);